Many of us will likely be guilty at one point or another of having expectations that are too high. As a result, we need to better manage and understand the difference between our expectations and what is reasonable to expect from any given situation.
The same can be said when it comes to our employees – understanding their expectations (and being able to keep on top of them), is an important part of running a business successfully. Employees may have expectations that are not in line with the business or the way it operates, or may have increasing expectations that affect the way they work.
What can we do about it?
The question is… what can you do about it? Being aware of such expectations and both the needs and demands of your employees will allow you to respond accordingly. This in turn then enables you to understand when such needs and demands change. Perhaps an employee is expected to take on additional roles or responsibilities – making it clear what these are and what this means in terms of the role itself (for example, is this a promotion?) allows you to understand expectations moving forward.
Developments and changes
Ensuring an employee is involved when it comes to developments and/or changes within the business and ensuring that their opinions and suggestions are heard as a consequence is also advisable. If a particular work situation is going to be changing, and directly affects an employee as a result, hearing what they think and what they expect to happen should hopefully help to avoid any issues further down the line.

Then there’s perspective. If you are able to see the business from the point of view of an employee, this will greatly help when it comes to expectations. Sometimes a decision made at higher levels of management can come across completely differently when it comes to the staff who will actually be carrying the work out. This applies even for simple decisions such as changing the layout of the office – this could have an impact on employees and the way they perform/the working relationships they have forged when looked at from their point of view.
Your employees
Finally, employees should be at the heart of every decision you make. They will have a very clear understanding of how your business works and what needs to happen for it to be a success. Equally, you know all the ins and outs of the business, albeit from a different angle. Working together is the best way to ensure that things run smoothly… and that all expectations are understood and managed as best as they can be.

If reading this has made you feel you could do with some advice when it comes to your business, please feel free to get in touch.