Coming up to April is always a busy time as we see changes to statutory rates, including the National Minimum and National Living wages.
This April, we will also see:
- An increase to paternity rights
- A new type of leave being introduced for employees caring for dependents with long-term medical needs
- An increase to the rights for employees to request flexible working as well as the right to request a more predictable working pattern
- Changes to the rules on calculating holiday pay.
We have been working hard with our clients to update policies and procedures to ensure that they remain compliant with all of these changes, and keep on top of the changes to statutory rates.
We have also updated the client area on our website with:
- The new statutory rates
- A new guide to holidays and holiday pay
- A new flexible working form.
The client area also contains new guides to GDPR and managing mental health in the workplace. Please click here to access the client area, and for any questions, please get in touch.