Business Culture

When you think of the term “business culture”, what comes to mind? This is somewhat of an umbrella term that includes a number of factors including the business values, policies and the way employees conduct themselves too – it encompasses many different aspects that work together, creating a culture that is hopefully positive and uplifting.

Difficult Conversations

Part and parcel of owning or running a business with members of staff is having to have difficult conversations. The topic of the conversation will vary depending on the particular situation that needs addressed – perhaps their performance is not as good as you would expect or they seem to have been taking a significant

Training & Development

As the time an employee spends in your business grows, it is likely that so too will the role they play and the tasks they undertake. In order to ensure your employees have all the skills and knowledge they require, training may be offered, helping them to progress, develop and perform in their role.  Training

HR priorities for 2023

As the end of the year approaches, many of us are starting to think about priorities for next year. With that in mind, below are some HR priorities which may affect your business over the coming year. Hybrid working Whilst many employees are back at work and it is business as normal, many employers are

Preparing For Promotions

Do you have an employee who is good at their job? Are you considering promoting them? Promoting from within is important; it drives engagement and retention… but, what do you need to consider before giving employees line management responsibility? The first thing to take into consideration is the role a line manager plays within your

Your future CEO

If you were to write a list of attributes you would like a CEO to have, what would be on it? Drive and determination? Flexibility and the ability to adapt? Approachability? Ruthlessness? When we look at some of the most well-known CEOs in the business world, one thing is clear – a mixture of attributes

What is the value in your values?

Your company values should be a reflection of your business. They are a clear set of concepts that enable your employees to clearly understand what your business stands for, what goals it is working towards and crucially, how it intends to achieve those goals. The type of values you choose for your company will depend on many things.

Reward and recognition 

Tools to drive engagement and performance A sometimes overlooked but often very important aspect of running a business is acknowledging when things are going right… and then acting accordingly. Whilst it is an inarguable fact that having procedures and policies in place to counteract any problematic situation that may arise is crucial for any company,

Investing in inductions

We have seen many companies treat inductions like a tick box exercise- which, to some extent, they can be- making sure that employees are given new start documents and know where the fire exits are all form part of nearly all inductions. However, what often really matters is how you approach inductions and what they

Tackling Employee Burnout

It has been easy over the last few months to have been concentrating on those employees who have been furloughed, ensuring that this was done in line with Government and HMRC guidance; but what about employees who have worked tirelessly and diligently throughout lockdown who may now be feeling the burden? Over the last few