Mental Health Awareness In The Workplace

Recent years have shone a light on the importance of mental health awareness in the workplace. As a business, you have a responsibility towards your employees when it comes to health, safety and wellbeing. This responsibility is your “duty of care.” What happens if you suspect an employee is struggling If you suspect that an

Changes to Statutory Rates

Coming up to April is always a busy time as we see changes to statutory rates, including the National Minimum and National Living wages. This April, we will also see: An increase to paternity rights A new type of leave being introduced for employees caring for dependents with long-term medical needs An increase to the

HR Priorities for 2024

As the end of the year approaches, many of us are starting to think about priorities for next year. With that in mind, below are some HR priorities which may affect your business over the coming year. Sexual Harassment The Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023 comes into force in October 2024. This legislation means

The Pros & Cons of Employee Retention

Have you ever thought about employee retention in your organisation? Perhaps you have quite a high turnover of staff? Or maybe the converse is true, and you have staff who have been with you for a significant period of time? Whatever the circumstances of your business, we are here to explore the pros and cons

Managing Employee Holidays

Employee holidays can simultaneously be something to look forward to and a bit of a logistical nightmare when it comes to running a business. It can often feel like a daunting prospect, juggling all the holiday requests of your staff. Add in to that the prospect of having to calculate holiday entitlement for staff who

The Pitfalls Of Presenteeism

What would be at the top of a list of attributes you would want your ideal employee to have? It wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that bring present and doing their work would be highly desirable… but what about when an employee shows up to the detriment of either themselves and/or your business? This is

Employee Engagement

Having hard-working, motivated and driven employees is key to running a successful and effective business. In order to drive hard work, motivation and drive, you must ensue that employees are engaged. Having an engaged team allows tasks to be completed quickly and efficiently, improving performance and creating a positive and uplifting culture (to learn more

Employment Law Update – June 2023

As you may have already seen, the Government has made a number of proposals to amend current employment legislation. The proposals are as follows: The provision for up to 12 weeks paid neonatal care for parents whose babies are admitted to neonatal care. This will be in addition to current entitlements to maternity and paternity